Friday 4 March 2011

A lot of French, A lot of English...

So I haven't written anything in a while. Sorry! I wasn't all that well Monday and Tuesday - just a cold, but it knocked me for six. Then Wednesday was rather busy. I had intended to write about it when I got home, but I got home at gone midnight, so that wasn't going to happen...! Then yesterday, I - well, I came here. So enough of the excuses and I shall get on with this post.

So Wednesday I had planned to have the first drama rehearsal at 15.00, but found out Monday or Tuesday that there was to be a pizza/film/bible study evening at 19.00 so decided to reschedule for 18.00. That way the young people (some of whom have to make rather long journeys) would be able to make just the two. It seems this slightly backfired, as apparently somebody already made the journey in the afternoon and I feel rather bad about that....going to have to apologise profusely on Sunday! With the one girl who came, we talked about what we were going to do and had a run through of a sketch. About Foetuses. Talking about life after birth. Rather funny, but difficult for me to get the enunciation and stress on the lines right when simple pronunciation is a problem!

Which takes me to my 'lot of French'. With 3 young people (plus two 'leaders' and myself) we ate, studied, watched 'Facing the Giants' and studied. A lot more. Until gone midnight. Which for my poor English mindset was a struggle towards the end. Plus did you know that they never teach you the words/phrases in School that you'll need in a church/Christian environment...!!! It was all very good, and helped me to think about facing some of the 'Giants' in my life. It was also long, and tiring. I've discovered having to think and talk and listen in French all the time wears me out. Which sounds pathetic really!

And so this long post comes to an end with 'A lot of English'. I am currently on a prayer weekend away for the Mission that my friend works with. There's 14 of us here and it's a little bit of blissful, guiltfree, low-fat English. As in a lot of them speak English better than French (or are English). There's a Norweigan, some Dutch and an American as well. Hall-e--lluu--jahh!! It's rather odd though, hearing French and English and various other languages bandied around. I'm quite fond of 'Franglais' myself. I don't know how I'm going to cope when I get back to Le Mans...!!!!

Well, that wasn't very exciting I'm afraid! I shall try to post a little more tomorrow. Promise!

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