Friday 11 March 2011

Bah Oui/En Fait...

The title of this post is nothing other than my two new favourite expressions. Try saying 'Bah Oui' in a deep French accent, pouting a little and shrugging your shoulders. I try to work it into everything I say, which believe it or not isn't out of the ordinary. 'En fait' (In fact/Actually) is another French version of 'Yeah, Kind of, Like, Y'know etc. etc.' My game at the moment is counting how many times people say for all the family!!!

Anywho, what's been going on? Erm, not much. Well, a bit I suppose. I've had another rehearsal - with the same girl as before. It looks like the first rehearsal with everyone is going to be next sunday. When I'll I have been here for 6 weeks....! Though may I point out that leaves nearly 5 weeks, which is quite a feat, considering that I'm, well, me.

I must add that when I had to leave the prayer weekend on Saturday, saying goodbye to the two little boys broe my heart. Not just because they were sweet and lovely (the 5 year old whispered 'I'll miss you' in my ear as he hugged me goodbye!), but because they made me miss my little guys at church even more. *Sniff Sniff*

There've been a fair few events at church this week. And I think pretty much every one has involved a dinner! This is France, so that's to be expected. Nevertheless, it's really something to see how much eating together, breaking bread with one another, means to their fellowship. So on Monday I made Toad in the Hole with Onion gravy for the church council meeting. T'was the first time I've ever made it, and it wasn't half bad, if I say so myself...and others half told me it was nice! I don't think, however, my future lies in fine cooking. I'd rather stick to cakes, brownies and ccokies! Yesterday was a 'diner biblique' - instead of the normal Thursday evening bible study, we had dinner together and then watched a dvd (on pornography and human dignity. Hmm.) And then today was an ecumenical prayer service with a lunch afterwards (12.00 - 14.00) To give some idea of size over here: panic stations when 40 people turned up rather than the 30 planned for. More food had to be bought. Although the Church I'm at is especially small, I think that a similar meeting near me (where as far as I'm aware all the churches in the city of Le Mans were invited) would be rather different. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong!) The cultural differences here constantly shock me, partly because I'm not really expecting them!

Finally, I must say, I'm getting rather excited about the summer, and then University in the autumn. So many theatrey things. Although my focus here is the Easter Theatre, it's just not the same as balancing work and Panto, or A Levels and two successive plays. Although as soon as I get back I'll be thrown into the last desparate stages of the Young Adults production, it just can't come quickly enough. And then Student Theatre...oh how I yearn for thee..!! (Not that I'm desperate to leave here or anything!)

Much much love xxx


  1. Seems like there's a lot of food involved in every meeting and church event!!

  2. Good to catch up with what you are doing Carys!!

  3. Ah yes, I was speaking to a lady about this today! It's so much a part of them being together, and I guess it's quite important since they're so small. Though the other people I've talked to just shrug their shoulders and say 'Bah oui, c'est la france!'

    And ta :-)
