Sunday 27 February 2011

Does that work in French?

So the title of this post is something I've been saying quite a lot. There are clearly phrases like 'it's on the tip of my tongue' and 'sweet tooth' that don't translate into French, (Both of which I had great fun teaching to Lucy, the girlfriend of my host's son!) Some phrases, however, are less obvious. For instance: middle aged. I tried to describe someone as middle aged today and assumed it had gone over okay when nobody batted an eyelid - which is incidentally another phrase I've had to explain! When Jan (Colcutt, my original contact and now lovely friend here) burst out laughing, I wondered what I could have possibly said.

Apparently it's fairly impossible to say 'middle aged' - you just say older, or fiftyish. What I actually said was 'from the middle ages.' Only slightly different.....!

Despite that faux pas (haha, see my actual French!) this lunchtime, my announcement in church this morning went fairly well. Martin (the pastor) had written pretty much what I wanted to say in the notice sheet, so Jan told me to just read that and change two words. Two words, that's all I had to do. Yet, since I am 'me', I just had to ad-lib a little. Which when nervous and speaking in a foreign language is not as easy as I normal find it. I've since been told everyone understood me and it was fine, which is reassuring! I also had a few people come up after the service wanting to be involved in the drama, which was reassuring. First rehearsal wednesday...there may just be one person there but that doesn't matter! We're actually REHEARSING. This is scary stuff.

I guess the main thought in this post is that although it's terrifying to me that I can't rely on my ability to talk my way out of a situation, or feel so confident speaking 'up front', it also reassures me that God has control. This is a little excerpt from a diary entry I wrote on the train on my way here.

--> As I was praying/thinking about [the languag/expression] barriers, I felt a sense of God saying - "See, you have to leave it in my hands!" Wheras I always like to be in control, and really struggle with handing everything over to God, here it's the only obvious choice. I feel comforted knowing that he's got it sorted, and has a plan for me.

A little deep for 1:38 in the morning. I did fall asleep for three hours this afternoon/early evening, so don't judge me! And also look: this is the second post and it's been less than two days! It's a miracle!

A bientôt....x

1 comment:

  1. Miss Harper, a rather splendid effort in posting again so soon - maybe a response to my message shall also follow? I have taken a liking to your blog already and as your voice in it is, stylistically, very engaging; I wasn't expecting anything less. I succeeded in not responding to your brilliance as a challenge, though I'll admit my first response was to treat it as a competition :( Personally I have enough trouble trying to figure out the intricacies of whether my speech and prose works in English or not.
    Delightedly, if mock-formally,
    Mr Daniel Brown (as referenced in your first blog)
    :D lol I'm starting to lose my inspiration every night for mine :S :S
