Saturday 26 February 2011


So, I'm finally writing a blog. Due in no small part to the pressure of a Mr. Daniel Brown. But I figure for the amount of times I forget to e-mail people, I might as well write a blog. They might have more hope of knowing what I'm up to (if anyone should care to know!)

So, I'm in Le Mans and will be here for the next 2 months and 2 weeks (I can't believe 3 weeks are nearly already over!) I'm involved with a Baptist Church here, as well as helping out at Secours Catholique (French version of Caritas/Cafod) two or three days a week. Though funny story - yesterday I hyped myself up to go to SC. When I got there the receptionist guy seemed a bit confused at my insistence of belonging there that afternoon. I was sure that the guy hadn't understood what I was trying to say so I insisted on showing him in the diary that I was right. Lo and behold ' Carys - Lundi - matin, Mecredi - matin, et JEUDI apres midi.' So that's thursday people. I had a nice bus journey. :-/

I'm hoping to have lots to say after my first normal Sunday here. As well as playing in the worship group I'm hoping to really get going with the 'evening of theatre' which is going down Easter Saturday. I'm praying that there will be enough enthusiastic people wanting to be involved, as well as enough people attending.

Hopefully this will be the first of many many posts.


  1. Yay - hope today has been a real blessing :)

  2. Hahahahahaha made me laugh :D congrats on finally getting a blog, the post's title really sums it up perfectly :D
